Full list of options

Options can be passed via data attributes:

<div class="fotorama"
  <img src="1.jpg">
  <img src="2.jpg">

...or JavaScript:

  width: 700,
  maxwidth: '100%',
  ratio: 16/9,
  allowfullscreen: true,
  nav: 'thumbs'


width Number or String

Stage container width in pixels or percents.

minwidth Number or String

Stage container minimum width in pixels or percents.

maxwidth Number or String

Stage container maximum width in pixels or percents.

height Number or String

Stage container height in pixels or percents.

minheight Number or String

Stage container minimum height in pixels or percents.

maxheight Number or String

Stage container maximum height in pixels or percents.

ratio Number or String

Width divided by height. Recommended if you’re using percentage width.

Article: Dimensions

margin Number

Horizontal margins for frames in pixels.

glimpse Number or String

Glimpse size of nearby frames in pixels or percents.

nav String or Boolean

Navigation style:

Article: Thumbnails

navposition Number or String

Navigation container position relative to stage: 'bottom' or 'top'.

Article: Navigation position

navwidth String

Navigation container width in pixels or percents.

thumbwidth Number

Tumbnail width in pixels.

thumbheight Number

Tumbnail height in pixels.

thumbmargin Number

Size of thumbnail margins.

thumbborderwidth Number

Border width of the active thumbnail.

allowfullscreen Boolean or String

Allows fullscreen:

Article: Fullscreen

fit String

How to fit an image into a fotorama:

Article: Fit

thumbfit String

How to fit thumbnail into its frame, cover by default.

transition String

Defines what transition to use:

clicktransition String

Defines alternative transition to use on click.

transitionduration Number

Animation length in milliseconds.

Article: Transition

captions Boolean

Captions visibility.

Article: Captions

hash Boolean

Article: Hash

startindex Number or String

Index or id of the frame that will be shown upon initialization of the fotorama.

loop Boolean

Enables loop.

Article: Loop

autoplay Boolean or Number

Enables slideshow. Turn it on with true or any interval in milliseconds.

stopautoplayontouch Boolean

Stops slideshow at any user action with the fotorama.

Article: Autoplay

keyboard Boolean or Object

Enables keyboard navigation.

Article: Keyboard

arrows Boolean

Turns on navigation arrows over the frames.

click Boolean

Moving between frames by clicking.

swipe Boolean

Moving between frames by swiping.

trackpad Boolean

Enables trackpad support and horizontal mouse wheel as well.

Article: Arrows, click, swipe

shuffle Boolean

Shuffles frames at launch.

Article: Shuffle

direction String

Sets the frames direction: ltr or rtl.

Article: Right-to-left

spinner Object

Spinner options:

  spinner: {
    lines: 13,
    color: 'rgba(0, 0, 0, .75)'

Spin.js docs

shadows Boolean

Enables shadows.


Override defaults by defining fotoramaDefaults before loading Fotorama:

  fotoramaDefaults = {
    width: 700,
    maxwidth: '100%',
    ratio: 16/9,
    allowfullscreen: true,
    nav: 'thumbs'
<script src="/ajax/libs/fotorama/4.6.4/fotorama.js"></script>